BMGT Nexus Award

Recognizing strategic, outstanding, and sustainable contributions to the ACS Division of Business Development & Management (BMGT) — the nexus of chemistry, business, and management.

Nominations Are Open and due February 17, 2025



Established by BMGT Executive Committee in 2021, the first recipient received their award in Fall 2022. The BMGT Nexus award is sponsored by the ACS Division of Business Development and Management.

Frequency: Annual - Fall National ACS Meeting

Awardee Receives

  • Award plaque to be presented during BMGT Awards ceremony or Annual Meeting.
  • Recognition via press release and coordination with relevant industrial chemistry related colleagues, organizations, and events.



  • The award is open to all current and former individual members of the ACS Division of Business Development & Management. Divisional affiliates that are not ACS Members will be considered. Posthumous nominations will be considered.
  • Appropriate candidates must have made significant contributions to the Division and its ability to serve its members involved in the management and leadership of the chemical enterprise.
  • Applicants can either be self-nominated or can be nominated by another individual for this award.
  • The nominator must be a current BMGT member in good standing at time of application.


  • One nomination letter. Nominator must be BMGT member in good standing.
  • One supporting letter speaking to the contributions and impact of the nominee. Supporting letter must be BMGT member in good standing.
  • Nominee’s ACS Biography (one page)
  • Draft Award Citation of 250 words or less
  • Nomination should not exceed 6 pages.


Please contact the awards committee ( with any questions or concerns.