neXus Regional Meeting Grants
Now accepting applications.

Chemistry brings people together to solve regional challenges
Regional Meeting Planning Teams - do you want to bring together ACS members and others from academia, industry, the venture community, and governmental labs to cross-interact, network and maybe even find ways to collaborate after the meeting, all while being aligned with a regionally relevant market/technical problem? Already have a session like this in the works? Want to expand your opportunity or help fund it? Apply for a neXus Regional Meeting Grant!
The ACS Division of Business Development & Management (BMGT) neXus Regional Grant program provides up to $2000 per ACS Regional Meeting that host neXus events.
Why neXus? Why now?
BMGT is committed to creating value for the business of chemistry. We do this by connecting the individuals and businesses involved in addressing societal problems at the global, regional, and local levels through the transforming power of chemistry. The neXus Regional Meeting Grants program is just another way that we support chemists and chemical professionals who aspire to make a difference in their local communities by creating opportunities to share, network, and collaborate right in their own backyard.
Regional ACS Meetings provide an ideal opportunity to bring together chemists from industry, academe, start-ups, and government labs to engage with students and practicing chemical professionals all focused on a common scientific or commercial challenge that is pertinent to your region!
Example regional challenges for neXus events include:

A region where scientists, researchers, and chemical professionals investigate plastic use/manufacturing and innovate on ways to improve plastic remediation to address an overrun landfill caused by insufficient plastic recycling/reuse.

A region where energy policy attempts to balance fossil fuels with wind and/or solar and several companies that employ researchers in alternative energy markets can promote career opportunities within that region.

A region where pharmaceutical manufacturing is a prominent part of the local economy and provides career opportunities to conduct research on diabetes or cardiac medicinals that impact the local population.
neXus benefits your Regional Meeting
- Engage ACS members - and potential members - from all walks of chemistry
- Increase networking and interaction for career and scientific development
- Bring together diverse speakers having diverse perspectives on the specific topic to build networks and connections across all ACS demographics.
- Build skills and knowledge of ACS members linked to regionally relevant topics with implications for sustainability from the career, research and business perspectives
- Develop and use a hybrid format to engage a broader audience of speakers and record events for further use
- Create a “hybrid” format Regional Employment “clearinghouse” for job and career opportunities
We can't wait to hear your ideas
Previously funded neXus events
NERM 2023
Recent Advances in Renewable and Sustainable Energy and Materials
Academic, Industrial, and Venture partners came together to engage in debate, networking, and collaborate on energy policy and how chemistry research and development is being focused to solve the region’s energy demands.
Sustainable Green Chemistry for Puerto Rico’s Pharmaceutical industry
Symposium of featured speakers to address pharmaceutical manufacturing which makes up 50% of PR’s manufacturing industry, generates over 18,000 jobs, and makes up >50% of the island’s exports. Features prominent corporate sponsors to involve local high school students and teachers. Networking and collaboration engagement session included.
MWRM 2022
Chemical Innovations to Facilitate a Circular Economy and the Remediation of Persistent Pollutants
This symposium brought together cross industry groups to share the technology and engage on pertinent plastic pollution problems across the region. Funds were used to help empower inclusion involvement and participation across a diverse group of chemists and chemical professionals.
WRM 2022
Generation and Application of Quantum States of Light
Bozeman, Montana, although small boasts one of the highest concentrations of optics, photonics, and laser companies in the world. This symposium brought together local and regional experts to discuss next directions for this industry within quantum technologies with a special focus on workforce development, enhancing institutional collaboration, and building shared regional infrastructures.